Inflation Reduction Act Falls Short in Prioritizing Bikes
By: Noa Banayan, PeopleForBikes’ director of federal affairs

PeopleForBikes continues to fight for a federal e-bike tax credit despite a big loss in the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022.
Introduced on July 27, the climate- and energy-focused Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 misses a massive opportunity by neglecting to invest in an electric bicycle tax credit and other critical initiatives to promote biking for transportation. This omission leaves us sorely disappointed in the future of climate policy given the significant transportation investments in the bill are squarely focused on electric vehicles. While PeopleForBikes remains supportive of urgently needed climate action and broader policy solutions, we’re sorely disappointed that Democratic leadership axed most consideration of bicycles and active transportation in the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022.
The House-backed E-BIKE Act (check out PeopleForBikes’ coverage of the act here and here), would offer many Americans a low-cost, emissionless, active transportation choice and show a serious commitment from the federal government to a mode shift towards a low-carbon, multimodal future. Also already approved in the House is the bipartisan Bicycle Commuter Act, which would put money back into commuters’ pockets for choosing to bike to work. Both policies are popular, simple and effective tools our nation could leverage for emissions reductions, but were deprioritized to make more room for cars.
One silver lining in the bill where bike infrastructure projects would be eligible as a tool to promote equity and mobility is the $3 billion included for the Neighborhood Access and Equity Grants. The program (read more about our support here) extends funding for the original “highway teardown” concept of removing infrastructure that was built to divide and disadvantage Black, Brown and low-income communities and rebuild with community-led connectivity projects.
The fight for the E-BIKE Act and the Bike Commuter Act isn’t over, though. PeopleForBikes remains committed to advancing these policies in future legislative opportunities in Washington, D.C. You can ask your senators to support the E-BIKE Act today to strengthen the bill’s chances of success in future climate policy packages.
You Can Advocate For Bikes in the Inflation Reduction Act
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