Amidst Trade War, Some Good News on Tariffs
By: PeopleForBikes Staff

Despite newly implemented tariff increases on e-bikes imported from China and recently confirmed tariff increases on Chinese bicycle products, there’s good news on the trade front.
Last week, President Trump signed the Miscellaneous Tariff Bill Act of 2018 (MTB) into law, which includes tariff relief for some bicycle products. The bill had passed the House and Senate without any significant opposition. The last MTB expired on December 31, 2012, and Congress has been unable to pass another bill until now (after reforming the process for considering individual product categories in coordination with the International Trade Commission).
This MTB temporarily reduces or suspends import tariffs and includes 11 products from within the bicycle industry — including disc brakes, zee cages, speedometers and stand-up bicycles. This is a win for bike businesses, especially as we aggressively fight tariff increases on hundreds of other products.
It is important to note that the MTB only impacts the general rates of duty for covered articles. The MTB does not change or otherwise impact Section 301 duties (the two rounds of increases approved in August and September).
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