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PeopleForBikes Work in Illinois


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Bike-oriented image
Bike-oriented image
Bike-oriented image
Bike-oriented image
Bike-oriented image
Man truing wheel in a bike shop
Cyclists waiting to turn left onto Kinzie from Milwaukee. Photo by Steven Vance.
Income mobility in Chicago vs Denmark
Residents celebrate a new protected bike lane on Lake Street with a community bike ride led by Alderman Burnett and Active Trans, in partnership with local community-based organizations.
Dearborne Ave in Chicago
Chicago pic
Bike lane
A member of the Northwest Center’s youth advisory council poses in Belmont Cragin.
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People for Mobility Justice, one of the grantees, will host classes on electric bicycling and bike maintenance, as well as provide safety equipment such as helmets and lights. (Courtesy Photo)
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Center for Neighborhood Technology vice president Jacky Grimshaw, Obama Foundation adviser Valerie Jarrett and Go Bronzeville leader Ronnie Harris in Indianapolis last week.
Philadelphia, the original Living Lab, will continue its equity work with Indego bike share as part of a new cohort. (Photo courtesy of Indego)
Biking in Seattle.
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Boulder, CO 80306

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